
In Memoriam Aurelio Marcucci Vice-President and President Emeritus of FAFICS


Dear Colleagues,


It is with great sadness that I announce the death in Rome on Sunday August 2 of our dear friend and colleague Mr. Aurelio Marcucci.


Aurelio was an esteemed colleague in FAO where he held highly responsible managerial positions in Human Resources and Social Security functions. He was a member of the UN Pension Board for many years and was very active in all layers of social security life in FAO.


As a retiree, Aurelio soon became a prominent figure in FFOA, the Rome based association, and a very active member of the Executive Committee. Aurelio was also a highly regarded figure in FAFICS and a great supporter of UN retirees’ interests. His role as FAFICS Vice-President and President Emeritus was highly recognized by members world-wide and we will never forget his unparalleled contribution to our work.


I am sure those who knew Aurelio well, will join me in presenting to his family the sense of our deepest sorrow and condolences.


Marco Breschi






Chers collègues,


C’est avec une grande tristesse que je vous annonce le décès à Rome, le dimanche 2 août, de notre cher ami et collègue M. Aurelio Marcucci.


Aurelio était un collègue estimé à la FAO où il a occupé des postes de direction à haute responsabilité dans les domaines des ressources humaines et de la sécurité sociale. Il a été membre du Comité des pensions des Nations unies pendant de nombreuses années et a été très actif dans toutes les couches de la vie de la sécurité sociale à la FAO.


En tant que retraité, Aurelio est rapidement devenu une figure éminente de la FFOA, l’association basée à Rome, et un membre très actif du Comité exécutif. Aurelio était également une figure très estimée de la FAAFI et un grand défenseur des intérêts des retraités des Nations unies. Son rôle de vice-président de la FAAFI était hautement reconnu par les membres du monde entier et nous n’oublierons jamais sa contribution inégalée à notre travail.


Je suis sûr que ceux qui ont bien connu Aurelio se joindront à moi pour présenter à sa famille le sentiment de notre plus profonde tristesse et nos condoléances.


Marco Breschi






Bruno Pisani


Aurelio was one of my personal friends and at some stage also my boss. I really feel very sad for this news. Please convey to the family my deepest condolence.






Dear Marco,


We are extremely saddened to learn about the passing away of Aurelio Marcucci who played such an important role for the welfare of the retirees.


May Almighty rest his soul in eternal peace.


Please pass on our sincere condolence to his family.


With regards


Kazi Ali Reza

President – AFUNSOB





Dear Marco,


We are so sad to hear the death of Mr. Aurelio Marcucci. Please convey our heartfelt condolences to Mr. Aurelio Marcucci’s Family. We will all be praying for him and his family.


We really appreciate his dedicated service to humankind via the United Nations Organization.


On behalf of All Members of AFICS Sri Lanka




Dr. Nimal Hettiaratchy

President – AFICS Sri Lanka.

12/22, Subadra Mawatha, Madiwela, Kotte 10100

Sri Lanka.




Dear Marco,


I am very sorry to learn the sad news of the demise of Aurelio Marcucci.


I had the privilege to work with Aurelio in FAFICS and learned a lot from his profound knowledge of pension matters.


My sympathy goes to his family at this difficult time.




Gerhard Schramek


FAFICS Standing Committee on Pension matters




Dear Marco,


On behalf of AFICS Argentina, our deepest condolences for the death of Mr. Aurelio Marcucci. We want to send our greatest solidarity to his family and colleagues at FAFICS.


Best regard


Tony Pagés


AFICS Argentina




Dear Marco,


I am very sorry to learn the sad news of the demise of our dear friend and former colleague Aurelio Marcucci, FAFICS President Emeritus, for which I extend my deepest condolences to you and through yourself to his family, as well as to FFAO.


Always cordial and elegant in our debates, Aurelio was indeed most effective. His valuable contributions to the Federation as a representative of FFOA to the Council and as one of our representatives to the Pension Board, gained him a high recognition and respect of his thorough knowledge on pension matters.


May he rest in the peace of the Lord.


Andres Castellanos

FAFICS Former President and President Emeritus




Dear Marco,


I am sad to learn of the passing of Aurelio who was well regarded as both a serious and cheerful member of the Board. Although it is several years since he participated in Board matters his presence and dedication are well recalled as a firm defender of the Fund and its members.


Warren Sach

Vice president of FAFICS Standing Committee on Pension matters

Vice president of FAFICS




Dear Marco,


I am deeply sorry to hear the passing away of our colleague Aurelio, who was also a dear friend of mine. I have so many wonderful memories of the experience I had with him in his FAFICS time.


My deepest condolences to the family and FAFICS. May his soul rest in peace.


Tedla Teshome


AFICS – Addis Ababa




It is sad to know about passing away of Mr Marcucci.


My colleagues join me in expressing our heartfelt condolences to the family in this sad moment.


RIP. Mr Aurelio Marcucci.


Viney Jain


UNPAI – India




Rest In Peace dear friend.


Lydia Ontal

Honorary Assistant Secretary – FAFICS




Dear Marco,


I am very sorry to learn the demise of Dear Colleague Aurelio Marcucci.

My condolences for the grieved family.

I pray for the eternal peace of the departed soul.



Vice president – FAFICS




Cher Marco,


Désolé d apprendre le décès d’Aurelio Marcucci.


Toutes mes condoléances attristées à sa famille et aussi à notre Fédération.



Mohammed Sebti





Cher Marco,


Paix à son âme.

Sincères condoléances à sa famille et à la FAAFI.



Moussa Sall

Président AAFNU-MR

Nouakchott, Mauritanie




Triste nouvelle en ce jour.

Je présente mes sincères condoléances à sa famille, à la FFOA et à la FAAFI. Qu’il repose en paix.


Mariam Ndiaye

Vice présidente – FAAFI




Bonjour Président,


Nous apprenons avec tristesse cette nouvelle. Prions pour le repos de son âme. Nous souhaitons à sa famille éplorée nos plus sincères condoléances.

Toure Garba Bokar






Quelle triste nouvelle en effet. Que son âme repose en paix.


Nous exprimons notre compassion, notre solidarité tout en présentant nos sincères et attristées condoléances à sa famille éplorée, à ses proches, aux membres de FFOA et de la FAAFI.


Makane FAYE

President ASAFI Sénégal




Cher Marco,


Nous nous joignons à vous.




Michael Atchia


AFICS-M – Mauritius




Chers collègues, Président et Secrétaire,


Recevez au nom de l’AAFNU au Niger et au mien propre nos Sincères condoléances attristées aux bureaux de la FAAFI et FFAO et a la famille éplorée.



President AAFNU-N




Aurelio, who I knew from many years working in FAO and later in FAFICS was an outstanding administrator and the most knowledgeable person on UNJSPF matters, commanding the attention of UN staff and management to any issue he raised. I still refer to his briefs and will miss him very much.


My sincere condolences to all his friends and family


Michael Davies





Dear Marco,


With so much sadness we hear the notice of Mr. Aurelio Marcucci’s demise. I knew him well at the FAO during my time in the Organization and this makes even more sorry to hear this news. He was a very helpful person when he worked in the maintenance section and a very friendly person. Very proud of his contributions to the FFAO and later to the FAFICS. Please convey my deepest sympathies to the family members.


George A. Michael


Assistant Secretary-General, AFICS, Sri Lanka




Dear All


Aurelio was one of my best friends in FAO with whom I shared most of our successes and difficulties over almost 40 years of service.


I am very sorry I couldn’t be present at his funeral but I will take care of conveying my deepest condoleances to his family as soon as I can.


With deep regrets






Dear Marco, The sad news of the death of Mr. Aurelio Marcucci has affected us greatly and in particular those of aur FAO members who knew him personally as our former President Miguel Ángel Espinar.


We are aware that Aurelio Marcucci was a prestigious colleague during his efficient career at FAO Rome, also as an active member of the “UN Pension Board” and as a recognized “Vice-President” of FAFICS.


On behalf of the members of the Board of Directors of the AFIJUB-Spain we ask you, to convey to Aurelio Marcucci’ family our deepest condolences.


Angel Escudero


President AFIJUB-Spain




Dear Marco,


Thanks for keeping us informed. Aurelia was a very popular colleague in FAFICS due to his vast depth of knowledge of our pension system and a very pleasant person. Though he has not been a President of FAFICS, due to contribution, the Council voted unanimously to make him President Emerity of FAFICS.


S. Janakiram, former VP of FAFICS and President Emeritus of AFUNPI-India.




Dear Marco,


It is with great sadness that we have been informed about the demise of Aurelio Marcucci. I had the privilege to have known him through the FAFICS Councils and admired his great knowledge of pension matters as well as his competence in other matters related to interests of retirees.


Please convey to his family the deepest sympathy of AFUS as well as mine personally.


May he Rest in Peace,

Georges Kutukdjian

President of AFUS




It was with great sadness that I was informed of Aurelio’s death. My prayers join the condolences offered to his family by FAFICS.

May he Rest in Peace and may the Earth be sweet to him.


Josiane Taillefer

AFUS – Paris


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