On 27th December 2013, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 68/247. The resolution is a composite one dealing with “Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2014-2015”. Section VII deals with “Administrative expenses of the UNJSPF”. It is reprinted on the pages that follow. Readers may also wish to refer to the related Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) (A/68/7Add.3) which is available on the FAFICS website. The resolution confirms the General Assembly’s agreement to the revised definitions of the normal retirement age (65) and in respect of the provisions for early retirement (58). It further decides to establish an additional 22 posts which are described in the resolution itself. The one issue on which the UN GA asked for further input is the establishment of a permanent Representative of the Secretary General (RSG) for the investment of the assets of the Fund. The GA recognized the importance of establishing a full time post but asked the UN SG, in consultation with the Board,to prepare detailed terms of reference for it to consider at its resumed 68th session early in 2014.